Enter at Your Own Risk

Welcome to this blog. I am known as Aristaria Lisvacor but let's stick with Aris. Most thoughts, whether carefully put into the order of events in which they came or just written haywire everywhere, will be put on this blog. Comments on those thoughts would be greatly appreciated and I do have copyrights. Now, into the mind of the writer you go. ~Aris~

Monday, February 21, 2011

Been A While

     It's been nearly a month since the last post and I apologize for that. I have been encouraging my brother to post but alas, he appears to be too busy. There is a lot to talk about in writing. Which traits make characters more realistic and more appeasing to the reader, which time periods are the best to work with, etc. It's always interesting to get a group of writers in the same room together because it appears they've all known each other for quite a long while. Ask another writer for advice and most will oblige. Certain writers make me even happier that I've decided to follow this course. There are a lot of amazing people, you just have to get out there and meet them.

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