Enter at Your Own Risk

Welcome to this blog. I am known as Aristaria Lisvacor but let's stick with Aris. Most thoughts, whether carefully put into the order of events in which they came or just written haywire everywhere, will be put on this blog. Comments on those thoughts would be greatly appreciated and I do have copyrights. Now, into the mind of the writer you go. ~Aris~

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sweet Chaos

     When you begin writing a battle scene, do you ever get impatient and skip over details because you're anxious to describe the last few moments of the skirmish? I know that's what I catch myself doing. That means going back over the entire scene and doing a super duper makeover on it. Yet, for
 some reason, I find that fun to do. I usually catch other mistakes I may have made before and imagining the scene again helps make the details even clearer. Sometimes though, it can get extremely inconvenient. So, instead of just jumping right into writing the battle scene, plan it out. List the five senses and be sure that for each section of the skirmish, you describe the five senses thoroughly. As long as you don't forget to describe the five senses in your battle scenes, you shouldn't have to edit too much.


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