Enter at Your Own Risk

Welcome to this blog. I am known as Aristaria Lisvacor but let's stick with Aris. Most thoughts, whether carefully put into the order of events in which they came or just written haywire everywhere, will be put on this blog. Comments on those thoughts would be greatly appreciated and I do have copyrights. Now, into the mind of the writer you go. ~Aris~

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lyrical Poetry

First off, I'd like to say I've been having some 'turbulence' with Aris Lisvacor lately and I would like to dedicate this post to her.

Lyrical poetry is a form of written poetry that involves rhyming schemes in order to express personal feelings and emotional feelings. Today lyrical poetry is not always set to music or a beat, but in classic Greek culture it was often set to the sound of a stringed instrument.

In ancient Greece, lyrical poetry had a much more specific meaning. Lyrical poetry was a verse that was accompanied by a stringed instrument, such as a lyre. The lyric poet was distinguished from the writer of plays, the writer of other verses and the writer of elegies, which were rather accompanied by flute.

It wasn't until around the 19th century that lyrical poetry started to be given deep emotion and personal attributes. This type of lyrical poetry was called Romantic poetry. It later developed and played key roles into becoming what today we know as rock, country and many other forms of modern day music.

During the late 20th century lyrical poetry began to become more popular as The Beatles, Queen, Johny Cash spread across America. Over that time period more and more people wrote their own songs based on their own lives and over time the collection grew to the many thousands of songs you can find online today.

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