Enter at Your Own Risk

Welcome to this blog. I am known as Aristaria Lisvacor but let's stick with Aris. Most thoughts, whether carefully put into the order of events in which they came or just written haywire everywhere, will be put on this blog. Comments on those thoughts would be greatly appreciated and I do have copyrights. Now, into the mind of the writer you go. ~Aris~

Friday, January 21, 2011

Non-Writing Days

     Some days (like today), I prefer to just sit back and relax instead of trying to finish a chapter or start a new story. Instead, I end up simply writing down any thoughts that come to mind and play them out in my head to see if those ideas will actually take me anywhere. If they do, I make another note of that and get back to it the following day.
     Today, I added some new updates to the blog including two new pages that I hope help out. There are also several links that I've put up for viewing when there are days in which you guys get tired of visiting this one. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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